Monday, April 25, 2011

One giant step

Yesterday was the most successful day of kite surfing that I've had so far.  I finally rode in both directions confidently.  Most of this truly comes from the fact that the conditions were ideal.  We were out at a mid, outgoing tide with the wind direction opposing the current.  I'm guessing the wind stayed at around 13 knots, which is still light for my grumpy Cabrinha Crossbow.  However, I still managed to learn many, many things.

1.  Downwind is way more downwind than I think.  I have had a consistent problem with water starting too much upwind, which causes me to have a hard time planing off.  When you're snow kiting, this really doesn't matter.  You can get started on an edge right off the bat and be fine because you don't have to overcome the drag of the water.  On water, you have to pick up speed before you edge with your board.  Yesterday, I learned to roll my leading hip over on my water start to force myself to head downwind.  The difference was amazing.

2.  Controlling the board seems to be all in the back foot.  This is probably elementary to anyone who has any familiarity with a board sport, but for this rock climber, it came as one big eureka moment.  Even though I am still not transitioning, my runs are now smoother when I start downwind and then use my back foot to edge and control where I am going.

3.  One of the local guys let me ride using his 13m yesterday.  I was of course nervous as hell, worrying about both my welfare as well as his kite's.  I am flattered that he trusted me with his kite, and it was an amazing experience.  I have always been very scared of bigger kites, but flown safely and in the right wind conditions, bigger kites can mean the difference in you getting to ride or not.  I no longer see big kites as a threat but as a helpful light wind tool.  And I am just as likely to get hurt on my 8m as I am on a 13m.

4.  I do not like sluggish kites!  My problem with my Cabrinha is that if it is a light wind day, it can pull a tank on the first dive but then it has a hard time turning back up the window.  This means I can't fly it fast, which means my board stays under water until I eventually sink.  I got a little better with it yesterday and learned to stop choking it by pulling the bar in too far, but I have given up on this kite and will be buying a larger, faster turning kite soon since the predominant wind speed here seems to stay around 12-15 mph.

5.  Sweet way to land your kite on your own:
     1.  Bring it to the edge of the wind window and let is stand on edge until the bottom half of the fabric flutters.
     2.  Unhook the chicken loop from your spreader bar (of course make sure your safety leash is attached).
     3.  Grab the center lines and pull them toward you until you reach the center swivel.
     4.  Grab the upper center line and pull it towards you hand over hand very quickly.
     5.  Your kite should now be situated leading edge down and facing upwind.

More random photos:

This surf looks totally benign.  It tossed me like a salad and I finally gave up on this day.  

I love seeing all the kites up.  

Mayport has so many BIG ships coming in and out of harbor, I love seeing them all.

The 'road' at Huguenot floods at high tide.  I got out of the truck to gauge the depth for us and the cars behind us that were scared of getting stuck.  

Jacksonville sunset.  I love this place.

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