Thursday, March 10, 2011

The preponderance of television

We have been sans television for exactly two weeks.  We donated the old cathode tube dinosaur that we owned when we moved so we actually don't own a TV right now.  And even though we only turn the thing on at night, usually during dinner, it feels like I'm missing a vital organ.  We will hopefully be rectifying this situation soon, and even though I can't wait to resume my daily intake of trash reality TV, sports and sci-fi, I will enter the doors of Best Buy with hesitation and trepidation.  

I have a theory.  I think TV scrambles your brains like so many eggs.  My scientific terminology is lacking, but I unequivocally sleep better if I do not partake in a television session before going to bed.  My theory stems from three trips in particular that I have taken over the past three years during which I slept the sweet sleep of the gods.  Two were week long camping trips in Canada and one was a two week jaunt to St. Lucia.  
The top of The Chief in Squamish, BC

Lots of leisure time in St. Lu

In all cases, I never turned on a television and if I walked by one, I didn't watch it for more than a few minutes.  On all three trips, I reasoned that my unencumbered slumber was due to the increased amount of exercise I was getting (climbing, golfing, kitesurfing, etc.).  However, our latest move to Florida have involved two weeks of sitting in cars, sitting at the computer, sitting at restaurants and fighting to work in a modest amount of exercise each day.  And yet, I have never slept better.  I'm pretty sure I would medal at a sleeping contest.  The only common thread between all the periods of the best sleep in my life is the absence of television.

My conclusion is therefore that the dizzying effects of quick editing and the rapid and constant intake of information screws up my sleep pattern.  Even so, I hear from a reliable source that this American Idol season is the best ever and I am looking forward to charging ahead towards ownership of a mega sized flat screen television courtesy of all the wonderful wedding donations made to our Best Buy card.  

Quick Hits:

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